Monday, November 25, 2013

Animal Print, Landfills, and Turkeys

It's me, Sister 3 again… are you getting sick of me yet!?! I sure hope not!

Well GOOD NEWS… the most adorable nursery bedding came today! It was like Christmas morning when I saw all the boxes on my porch. I tore into them only to fall more in love with the precious patterns. Somebody, I won't name any names… daddy-to-be … thinks I'm nuts. But I don't care.

Now that I have it, it's time to pick out a paint color. I can't wait until our little room looks just like this! 


The science teacher and I run our Green Team at school. Our club has 32 members… sadly we had to limit it this year because last year we had 70+ and it was just to chaotic. We didn't have the adult help so we decided to cap it at 30. How did we get 32 you ask? I couldn't say no to those 2 little faces who handed me their registration! I'm a sucker. But the 40 in my mailbox…  I said no without hesitation!

Today we took a field trip to the Waste Management Landfill that's about 20 minutes from our school. Before we got there I was praying it didn't smell… and luckily… it didn't! We got an awesome bus tour. The kids were so into it- answering questions, asking questions, and wanting more when she said it was over. Who would have guessed the landfill would be so exciting?!? Next year, we're thinking the recycling plant! 


The sisters and I have been anxiously waiting for Thanksgiving break. To pass the time we've been working from our Gobble, Gobble unit! One more day, we can do it! 

-Sister 3-

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Ohh Baby, Baby, Baby Ohh

The past week I have been consumed with baby. I went to my "you're half way there" ultrasound last Thursday. We had a full house with daddy, grandma, and grandpa! I am overwhelmed with the amount of love this baby has and he/she isn't even here yet! I well up every time I think about it… darn hormones! Anyways we got to see our little baby. Baby was excited to see us too… look baby is waving!!!

Ugh, it just melts my heart!

We finally settled on some bedding! I was glued to the internet trying to find something that would work for a boy or a girl. Boyyy (or girl!) it was a hard task! Everything seems to be either boyish or girly… where is the neutral???? Finally, I found something that I am just absolutely in LOVE with. I can't wait for it to arrive, 6 more days… but who's counting?!?

I also discovered that I am eligible for these parking spots…

I felt bad doing it but after circling the lot 3 times and finding no open spots I decided, what the heck? I'm expecting! So I went for it. And it was totally worth it. Ahh the perks ;)

Now on the the stuff you came for… Seeing as how this is a teacher blog and all! 

This week we are knee deep in measurement. We started with inches. We've done some fun activities from Amy Lemon's unit! LOVE HER. We've measured our bodies with measuring tapes, we've done a measurement I Spy, and we've also practiced measuring in our math workbook. We' have a few more tricks up our sleeves for later this week! Our classes are totally digging measurement. 

We are also finishing up our continents and oceans unit. We have our location quiz tomorrow. I always get so nervous for them before a quiz or test! I just worry if I've given them everything they need and they are prepared enough to be successful. After the test I always yell at myself for being such a worry wart! Check out some of our fun activities from our Mapping Skills and Continents/Oceans unit! 

Alright everyone, this momma needs to catch The Voice! I'll check in soon.
- Sister 3 -

Sunday, November 10, 2013

Five for Friday

Time management has never been one of my strengths… like last week I started this post after school on Friday and of course got side tracked. This weekend I've spent a lot of time researching the safest baby car seats and looking for bedding to decorate the cutest nursery. ALL super important but my school work has taken a back seat. I'm not complaining at all! But I knew I had to get back to this post.


Here's a peak at some of the things we've been up to the last two weeks!

Thankfully Halloween is behind us. But it preparation for our festivities we all made a candy bag. (Like they needed anymore sugar!) We used foam sticks, stickers, and markers to decorate our bags. They turned out so cute!

Unfortunately, after Halloween comes "falling back."  I am having the hardest time getting use to such early darkness. Ugh, I'm ready for bed at 6 every night! Or maybe it's the pregnancy??? Who knows! 

The day after Halloween is always so quiet... until we asked them each to bring a peice of candy to school! What were we thinking???? Ohh that's right, we want to spark their interest with activities they are excited about! We did "The Day After Halloween" graph, which can be found in our Halloween unit. We sorted all the candy first. We talked about the different ways we could sort them. Then we talled each type of candy on our tally sheet and graphed them on the back page. It was a blast!

Career Day! Last Friday we celebrated the end of our communities study with community workers. Each student researched the career they would like to have when they grow up. We had quite a variety from McDonald worker (I do LOVE their french fries!!) to archeologist to teacher to chef. They have some wonderful aspirations!

We also practiced using a thesaurus this past week. The kids could spend hours looking up new words. One of our activities was to use the thesaurus to find new and exciting words to replace dull words. Grab this activity now… Wow Words Freebie!

Our RtI program is finally underway. We do Monday through Thursday, 20 minutes per day. This year we decided to focus on informational reading. Between the three of us, Sister 2's WONDERFUL student teacher, and our three parapros we have pretty small groups! Each week we print off an A-Z pocketbook for each student. We spend the whole week working with that one book. The kids are intrigued and learning to love informational text. WIN WIN. 

Have a great upcoming week everyone!!!